2024- NEW Palmyra Drag Racing Club Membership


Full Name *

Address *

Email Address *

Mobile Number: *

Best Contact *



By becoming a member of  Palmyra Drag Racing Club you and the other member’s support allow the facility and drag racing to continue in Mackay. Becoming a member of Palmyra Drag Racing club will entitle you to a photo ID membership card which will allow you free entry into all Palmyra Drag Racing Club run events, or discounted racer entry. Being a club member of Palmyra Dragway will allow you to vote at club meetings or be a part of the executive/workers committee. Becoming a member will ensure you receive all club notices either via email or text message. By being a member of the club you are also eligible in our yearly points score Track Champion and Club Champion which are awarded at the end of the racing season.

We will also require a passport type photo for your new membership card to be emailed to web@palmyradragway.com.au

THANKYOU to all our new and old members for your ongoing support!